We don’t go to the cinema that often.

For one: it’s expensive these days. £27 just for 2 tickets, nevermind spending the same again on snacks if you want something to do with your hands during the trailers. But it’s my birthday weekend, so we’ve made the effort.

We like Ryan Reynolds, and we’ve enjoyed the Deadpool franchise so far; it’s fun, action-packed, and Reynolds has that “look at how funny I am” schtick which somehow isn’t annoying.

The cinema we go to has those recliner chairs, the kind you used to have to pay extra for. But now the entire cinema has them. But it does still have tiered pricing, depending on where in the room your seat is. Too close? Cheaper. Way at the back? Cheap, but not as cheap at the ones right at the front. In the middle? Perfect: an extra £4 please!

We went for the middle ones, obviously.

“Deadpool & Wolverine, a Marvel film or something”

It was a fun film. Just like the others: funny, action-packed, full of off-colour humour, fourth-wall-breaking nods to Fox and Disney and the Marvel universe. Pure silliness.

Hugh Jackman was great, a big blob of muscle and sideburns and dramatic turn now and then. He’s a good looking man.

It all went a bit pear-shaped towards the end (no spoilers), but by then I needed to pee and I didn’t care what they did, just wrap it up please lads.

Overall, it was a fun outing and it was great to see it on the big screen. Worth £27? Possibly not, but these days there’s not much choice (unless we go for the neck-bending front-row recliner seats…)